Visitor Services

Whether you need information about events, attractions, hotels or restaurants while in Tallahassee and the surrounding area, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to help.


Cascades Park Visitor Information Center & Gift Shop
Located in Cascades Park behind Adderley Amphitheater
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 10am-2pm
414 E. Bloxham Street, Suite 115 | Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 606-2305 | Toll-free: (800) 628-2866


Group Services Request Form

To assist out-of-town guests, Visit Tallahassee will provide you with reasonable quantities of our Visitor Guide which includes pertinent information on lodging, restaurants, events, and attractions, as well as local attraction brochures. Additional partner brochures and event information are available upon request.

Please allow 7-10 days for fulfillment of requests.


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