Panhandle Archaeological Society at Tallahassee Monthly Meeting

Panhandle Archaeological Society at Tallahassee Monthly Meeting

Dr. Marty Menz will be presenting the results of his research at Letchworth Mounds

Start Date

Apr. 8, 2025


07:00 pm


Goodwood Museum and Gardens
1600 Miccosukee Rd
Tallahassee FL 32308
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Please join us for our April monthly meeting. We will meet on Tuesday, April 8 atGoodwood’s Jubilee Cottage. Reception begins at 6:30 pm followed by presentation at7 pm. We are thrilled to welcome back former PAST board member, and now doctor ofphilosophy, Martin Menz. Marty will be discussing the results of his dissertationresearch at Letcworth-Love Mounds Archaeological State Park.New Results from Letchworth: Laboratory Analyses Reveal New Data on Diet, Mobility,and Exchange at this Woodland period Ceremonial CenterIn 2019 and 2020, PAST sponsored an archaeological research project at LetchworthMounds near Monticello. Excavations led by Dr. Martin Menz uncovered the remains ofa 1500-year-old house and produced more than thirty new AMS radiocarbon dates,helping to refine our understanding of this important, Woodland period ceremonialcenter, from daily life to its multi-century chronology. In this presentation, Dr. Menz willdiscuss new results from recent analyses of plant remains and pottery recovered duringthe 2019 and 2020 fieldwork. Analysis of plant microfossils such as starch, pollen, andphytoliths provides a picture of the environment and diets of people living at Letchworthand nearby Lake Miccosukee. Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) of ceramics fromLetchworth helps us understand the organization of pottery production, exchange, andhousehold mobility within the Tallahassee Hills. Together, these analyses contributeinvaluable new data on life during the Woodland period, both at Letchworth and acrossthe Tallahassee region.

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