Synergy 4.5

Synergy 4.5

The Artists' League of the Big Bend of Florida, Inc (ALBB) exhibits jury selected work at the Jefferson Arts Gallery in Monticello, FL.

Start Date

Sep. 7, 2024

End Date

Oct. 5, 2024


12:00 pm


Jefferson Arts Gallery
575 West Washington St
Monticello FL 32344
(850) 997-3311
Learn More

Featuring the work of the Artists’ League of the Big Bend of Florida Inc (ALBB), Synergy 4.5 features a wide variety of fine art and fine craft style (from realism to total abstraction) as well as a wide variety of media (painting, collage, drawing, ceramics, needlework, photography, weaving, and sculpture to name a few).  The work for this exhibition was selected from a previous ALBB exhibition at the TSC Gallery titled Synergy 4.0, juried by Brinda Pamulapati, the owner of the Venvi Art Gallery in Tallahassee.  Works are for sale.

The Artists’ League, or ALBB, is a collegial group of artists who work to support each other as well as other arts organizations and endeavors in the community.  For well over three decades the Artists’ League was affiliated with the Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts (FSU MoFA) but following the Covid pandemic, the group reorganized as an independent non-profit organization.

ALBB promotes regional artists by:  *mounting an annual summer exhibition with cash awards (ALBB Summer Annual); *creating additional exhibition opportunities; *offering a monetary annual Professional Development Award; *supporting art educators in the region through donations for classroom art supplies and grants; *holding monthly meetings with speakers; *promoting networking among artists and arts organizations in the Big Bend region; *working toward the development and expansion of its art-related goals; and *encouraging the active participation of its members.

As the word in the title of this show indicates, the membership embraces the concept of “synergy,”  in its exhibitions and in its workings as an organization.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

For more information about ALBB please contact:

ALBB President:  Mary Liz Tippin Moody, maryliztippinmoody@gmail.com

ALBB Board Administrator:  Viki D. Thompson Wylder, vwylder@fsu.edu


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